
What are you doing for GIS day on November 14th?

Anthony Marshall
Anthony Marshall
2 Nov 2007
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I was very amused today to find there is actually a Worldwide GIS day on November 14th. It seems today there has to be a day for absolutely everything including my favorite talk like a pirate day.

gisday2002final Now we know of its existence we just have to work out exactly what we are going to do to celebrate at Earthware, I particularly like the cakes made for last years event although was disappointed most cakes presented the 'earth is flat' theory. The cake idea is especially relevant as its my birthday on that day too. I don't believe in coincidence, I must have been born to map ;-)

Being serious for a moment it appears the aim of the day is to get some GIS fun out into the public arena by getting schools and local businesses involved so maybe our friends at the digital geography blog will be getting involved.

Anyway if anyone has some fun ideas of how to celebrate our first GIS day at Earthware please post a comment with your suggestions, or invite us to your own event.

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