
My first 30 days at earthware

Shazi Parast
Shazi Parast
29 Mar 2022

Hi there, I’m Shazi. Creative copywriter and newbie at earthware. It’s likely you’ll catch me on here again, so I thought a tiny intro a polite way to go.

Anyway, let’s get to it.

Here’s my 30-day earthware story.

But first, why earthware?


What sparked my curiosity is how much earthware cares about the ‘’why’’.

And really, how else can you hatch fresh ideas and define and design solutions that solve the big healthcare problems of the world. You’ve got to drill down to the truth and you don’t get to the truth without asking why. As a famous dude once said ‘’At the foundation of any great idea is the truth, the most powerful force in creativity’’. He goes by John Hegarty.

Hegarty on creativity book

First day lowdown

Lots of friendly earthlings to get to know. I talked all things copy, and all things life, over a cuppa with our Editorial Lead, Emilii Dove. Then one of our clever developers walked me through the technical bits to set me up just right. And our Director of Strategy and Communications, Richard Long and Managing Director, Chris Finch also said a ‘’hi there’’.

All before I met our whole earthware bunch on one big and friendly virtual greet.

So what’s in a 30-60-90

As part of my job offer, I got a list of training and development KPIs to give me purpose and keep me inspired. And once I started, Richard talked me through my 30-60-90. A pretty considered set of objectives you get to hit in your first 30 days, 60, and…you get it now.

Honestly open at What’s new with you

Honestly open is one of our core values at earthware. And I got to see it for real at the end of my first week in ‘What’s new with you’, our fortnightly meet where we chat what’s…well, new.

earthware values

But this week was different.

We’d all just watched the world turn upside down and spent a day riding the wave of headlines and horror stories around what had happened to Ukraine. So our leaders started a conversation.

And just like the rest of us, they admitted to having a tough time, also not knowing quite how to help yet.

Leaders who can hold their hands up and say ‘’I don’t know’’, turn to their team with genuine interest in their ideas, thoughts and feelings. Well, that’s a whole new kind of vulnerable you don’t see in places every day.

A whole lot more too

A Jamie Oliver cooking social, client workshop, creative brainstorming sessions, how earthware do editorial, creative, and development, an intro to Agile, daily brew virtual hang outs, chatting about how I hate semi colons but love closed em dashes, learning names and faces, getting them wrong, playing about, getting a bit serious, and everything else in between.


That’s all for now folks

My first 30 days at earthware have made me feel like it’s the right one for me. I feel inspired being around a bunch of creative, compassionate people.

To listen, learn from and challenge one another. To imagine, deliver, together. To help people.

If you fancy a chat about what we’re getting up to in our content team, drop us a line.

Or if a career at earthware sounds like your cup of tea, check out our current vacancies.

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