
Project Management at earthware

Abi Muddiman
Abi Muddiman
26 Oct 2022
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As a project manager at earthware, every day is different. Our main focus is to keep our projects on time, on budget, and of course delight the client!  

We keep the ‘Why’ behind the project at the heart of everything we do. Most of the time, our ‘Why’ involves creating a solution that improves patient’s lives. That’s why it’s so important that as project managers, we ensure every solution is built to the highest standard and meets the deadline for launch.  

Being a project manager, you have to be ultra-organised and efficient, managing tasks, timelines and budgets, and anticipating risks. We get involved across most aspects of the business so it’s hard to write a typical ‘day in the life’, but these are just some of the groups we interact with on a daily basis: 

Our pod  

At earthware we work closely together in ‘pods’ – which consist of an account manager (AM), a business analyst (BA), a project manager (PM) and a member of our leadership team as a ‘pod sponsor’. Each client has a dedicated pod, which means we can get to know our clients really well.  

As PMs, we work with our pod to scope out and kick off each project, setting up all the project tasks. At earthware we use agile to run our projects where suitable. 

Delivery teams  

Development, design, content and testing teams are all crucial to the delivery of a project. As PMs, we make sure they have everything they need to do the best job possible.  

This includes checking in with the teams daily, communicating status updates to the client, and resolving any potential issues before they delay the project.  

Project management task

Our clients 

Last but not least, our clients are at the heart of everything we do. Our methods of communication can vary depending on what the client prefers, but we usually have catch-up meetings weekly and send status updates via our ‘Teamwork’ project management platform.  

We encourage clients to join our daily stand-ups with the delivery teams so they can keep up to date and have their input on any last-minute changes or issues. One of our values is Honestly Open, so the client is involved every step of the way.  

View some of our award-winning projects

Or see what it’s like working at earthware.

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